
Max Kornfield

Max Kornfield is a painter and curator based in Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, and Leipzig, DE. Their paintings are rooted in mysticism and magic, especially visionary experiences. Creating these paintings is ritual, prayer, meditation, and catharsis embodied in chalk, gold, and oil. Their curatorial projects empower artists to create successful exhibitions in traditional and alternative art spaces, supporting rather than competing for opportunities and resources. Max has been granted artist residencies, shown artwork, and organized numerous exhibitions nationally and internationally; they received their BFA from the School of Visual Arts, NY. Statement from the artist: Make it real, raw like an injury, refined like silver lace, warm like sunshine, deep as the ocean, high as the sky, more human than human. I pursue four goals in my paintings: 1. Making manifest the powers that hold the universe together, thereby making something worthy of the gods. 2. Communing with the divine. 3. Diving and wallowing in the deeply human — the self-consciousness and self-world-reflection, and the primeval drive to translate the visible and invisible of the universe from their original state into colored materials in a medium applied to a surface. 4. Making worlds where everything I experience and every part of me belongs.

+ Künstlervita



2020    BFA in Visual and Critical Studies, School of Visual Arts (SVA), New York NY, USA


2019    School of Visual Arts off campus studies. London, UK


2018    School of Visual Arts off campus studies. Rome, IT School of Visual Arts off campus studies. Avignon, FR


2016    High school diploma, focus in Visual Arts Los Angeles County High School of the Arts (LACHSA), Los Angeles, CA, USA


Auszeichnungen und Stipendien


2023    Residency, Curator- and Artist-in-Residence, Alte Nudelfabrik, Zeitz, DE


2022    Residency, Artist-in-Residence, Alte Nudelfabrik, Zeitz, Residency, Artist-in-Residence, Leipzig International Art Programme (LIA) Leipzig, DE


2020    Residency grant, School of Visual Arts (SVA) New York, NY for Leipzig

International Art Programme (LIA) Leipzig, DE


2016    Scholarship award, Silas H. Rhodes Scholarship for artistic and academic achievement towards tuition at School of Visual Arts (SVA)




2023   Synergie: Zerfall und Blüte at Galerie MoonArt, Leipzig, DE

Kunstfest Zeitz in Stadtgalerie, Zeitz, DE

Break-Up  at Leipzig International Art Programme (LIA), Leipzig, DE

Nacht der Kunst XIV at Kunsttanker Atelierhaus, Leipzig, DE

Jamais-Vu at Galerie MoonArt, Leipzig, DE

Odd Retina at the Alte Nudelfabrik, Zeitz, DE

Nanoplasma at Galerie MoonArt, Leipzig, DE

For the Spiritual Traveler: Further Refractions at Art At First, First

Presbyterian Church, New York, NY, USA

Elevators Have Windows Too at Leipzig International Art Programme

(LIA), Leipzig, DE


2022   Time, Passage, and Art Bending at Archiv Massiv, Leipzig, DE

Max Kornfield and Diego Palacios at Archiv Massiv, Leipzig, DE

Open Studios at Leipzig International Art Programme (LIA), Leipzig, DE.


2021   For the Spiritual Traveler: Reflections of Faith at the Goblin Haus, New York, NY, USA

Beyond the Board (live mural painting) at Baldwin Skate Park Baldwin, NY, USA

Intimate Object at the Goblin Haus, New York, NY, USA


2020   BFA Thesis Exhibit The Visible Surface at SVA Flatiron Gallery, New York, NY, USA


2019   Juried Object and Reflex at SVA Gramercy Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Juried Impulsus/Under The Influence of Rome at SVA Flatiron Gallery,

New York, NY, USA


2018   Disconnect at CRETA Rome, Roma, IT


2017   Light and Metal, 2nd floor exhibition hall at the School of Visual Arts, SVA, New York, NY, USA


2016   Nex(t)us at Human Resources Gallery (HRLA), Los Angeles, CA, USA

THAW at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE), Los Angeles, CA, USA

THEY at Human Resources Gallery (HRLA), Los Angeles, CA, USA


2015   Afterschool Special at The Pico House, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Under the Skin at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE), Los Angeles, CA,


 Kuratoriesches Projekten

2023   Synergie: Zerfall und Blüte at Galerie MoonArt, Leipzig, DE

Odd Retina at the Alte Nudelfabrik, Zeitz, DE

For the Spiritual Traveler: Further Refractions at Art At First, First Presbyterian Church, New York, NY

Pneuma/Against the War in Ukraine at Leipzig International Art

Programme, Spinnerei, Leipzig, DE


2022   Max Kornfield and Diego Palacios at Archiv Massiv, Leipzig, DE

Time, Passage, and Art Bending at Archiv Massiv, Leipzig, DE

Open Studios at Leipzig International Art Programme, Spinnerei, Leipzig,



2021   For the Spiritual Traveler: Reflections of Faith at the Goblin Haus, New York, NY

Intimate Object at the Goblin Haus, New York, NY


The Star, Öl auf Leinwand, 190 x 114 cm, 2023
Th Big Wings, Öl Auf Leinwand, 200 x 280, 2024
Desire, öl Auf Leinwand, 140 x 210, 2022
WIP, öl Auf Leinwand, 11 x 20, 2022